Camphoor Making Machine

A camphor making machine is a device used in the production of camphor, a white crystalline substance with a strong odor often used in medicinal, aromatic, and industrial applications. The machine facilitates the process of converting raw materials into camphor blocks or other forms suitable for various uses. 

  • Extraction of camphor oil: Camphor is extracted from the wood of camphor trees or synthesized from other compounds.

  • Purification: The crude camphor oil is purified to remove impurities and obtain a higher quality product.

  • Crystallization: The purified camphor oil is subjected to a process of crystallization where it solidifies into crystals.

  • Drying: The camphor crystals are dried to remove any remaining moisture.

  • Molding or shaping: The dried camphor crystals are then pressed into blocks or shaped into desired forms using molds or machines.

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