VISHNUSAI OVERSEAS - Latest update - Agarbatti Machine Parts Dealers

Agarbatti Machine Parts Dealers

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This section mixes the raw agarbatti paste, which consists of wood powder, resins, essential oils, and other ingredients. The mixer bowl is usually made of stainless steel for durability and hygiene .  The feeder unit meters the mixed paste and pushes it towards the shaping nozzle. It may include a hopper or container for the paste, and an auger or screw mechanism for continuous feeding. The die and nozzle shape the paste into thin rods. The die is a metal plate with a small hole that determines the thickness of the agarbatti sticks. The nozzle shapes the emerging paste into a round or flat profile, depending on the desired outcome . The piston applies pressure to the paste in the feeder unit, forcing it through the die and nozzle. A compressor supplies the air pressure required for the piston to function.


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